Roundabout is South Yorkshire’s local youth homeless charity providing shelter, support and life skills to young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
We want to make sure that no young person experiences homelessness in South Yorkshire.
We aim to empower young people to break the cycle of homelessness by helping them develop long term independent living skills and supporting them with their health, education, employment and training needs. We want to support them in their time of need, as every young person deserves the chance to have a bright future.
Roundabout now supports over 380 young people aged 16-25 every day. We provide emergency accommodation in our hostel, support young people in residential projects in Sheffield and Rotherham and provide key services delivering comprehensive programmes of training, involvement and empowerment which help to prepare young people for independent living.
To find out how you can support Roundabout and help to end youth homelessness in South Yorkshire, visit the Roundabout website and follow on social media below: